Channel: What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain? - Super User
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Answer by Martin Beckett for What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain?

It could be worse. The British parts company 'RS' seems to have fundementaly misunderstood the whole thing - their website is rswww.com

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Answer by dbr for What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain?

No idea if this is traditionally why www. is used, but one possible reason: Say you have a server which runs web, SMTP and IMAP servers. Users access the web server via www.example.com, SMTP via...

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Answer by Lee B for What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain?

It's simply a matter of abstraction, like having bills addressed to "The Club Secretary" instead of "Susan". If you have bills sent to susan, and sales catalogs, and CVs, then what happens if you hire...

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Answer by Andrew Moore for What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain?

It is mostly used to separate cookies from the other subdomains. If you are going to use cookies, definitely keep the www.. You can always use an 301 redirect to redirect the short domain to the one...

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Answer by Chris W. Rea for What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain?

Before the World Wide Web, there was still an Internet, and it was used for a variety of things: telnet, email, gopher, FTP, etc. At that time, it was traditional to assign domain name aliases to...

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What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain?

What's the point of having www.? Isn't it just useless extra text? Since everyone is used to it, www.google.com looks more well-balanced than google.com, but why did it start in the first place? One...

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